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Located in Menominee and Ingalls, MI


Located in Menominee and Ingalls, MI
Located in Menominee and Ingalls, MI
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An Excellent Choice for Heating and Cooling Your Home

Use the Earth's Natural Underground

You have a lot of options when it comes to heating and cooling your home. Maybe it's time to consider geothermal. Geothermal is the use of an underground pipe system, heat exchanger, and heat pump to utilize the Earth's consistent underground temperature.
The heat pump will disperse the water through the piping system and then through the heat exchanger. The next steps in the process are dependent on the season. All of this eliminates the need for heating systems powered by fossil fuels.

Winter vs Summer Process

During winter, the underground temperature will warm the water which reaches the heat exchanger, and the warmth is used as your heating. During summer, the process goes into reverse, allowing you to cool your home efficiently.

Geothermal Benefits

  • No fossil fuels needed
  • Free estimates
  • Largest dealer in U.P.
  • Efficient option
Geothermal Heating

Reduce Your Dependency on Fossil Fuels

While many consider geothermal systems to be an expensive investment, they are finding that the payoff is great. It reduces your dependency on traditional heating fuels and allows you to cut back on monthly spending of utility bills. Call Zeratsky Extreme Heating & Cooling today for your free estimate.
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